Category Archives: LEBRE Announcements

The Whitelist update

We have updated The Whitelist, de-listing Bandit Host (ceased operations) and adding four new hosts: Contabo, George Datacenter, MaxKVM, and OBHost.

Lowendboxes Reviews will not be doing in-depth reviews for the foreseeable future, but our staff are still actively monitoring the low-end web server market to continue our mission of curating a reliable list of providers that customers can rely on.

Whitelist de-listing: HostDoc

We do not like to de-list our whitelisted providers, but unfortunately we have to make this difficult decision to de-list HostDoc from the Whitelist with effect from today.

HostDoc’s WHMCS implementation has been randomly leaking customer information for several months: see here, here, here and here (LowEndSpirit login needed to read as the information was posted to member’s only section).

HostDoc has admitted the problem exists and claims it was fixed. See here (LowEndSpirit login needed).

However, issue of being able to access a random customer’s services continued to surface this week, with multiple forum members reporting they had access to someone else’s services: see here, here and here (LowEndSpirit login needed).

Given the current state of evidence, we are de-listing HostDoc because compromising customers’ private data is a red line. If we have firm evidence that HostDoc customers’ private data are no longer randomly compromised, we will consider reinstating HostDoc.

Merry Christmas and happy holidays

Dear LowEndBoxes Review readers,

We wish you a very merry Christmas and a great year end holiday! We hope that you have enjoyed our work this year and we will endeavor to bring you the same great deals, no scammy bullshit standard on the latest deals and development in the low end hosting scene.

To keep you updated with the never-ending deals from providers, we have set up a Twitter account and a Telegram public channel that scrapes the data from our Twitter account so that you can keep up with never-ending flow of latest and greatest offers from The Whitelist providers that we don’t have time to review and we don’t want you to miss out on them!

Once again, happy holidays and may the next year be filled with love, peace, happiness and more banging low end, scam-free deals!